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Appen’s Top Five Blog Posts from 2018

Published on
January 23, 2019

2018 was an exciting year here at Appen. We expanded into nine offices worldwide, and our global crowd of skilled annotators has grown to over 1 million people, working in over 130 countries and 180 languages. Our readers subscribe to Appen’s blog to stay on top of machine learning use cases, industry news, and best practices for getting high-quality training data. As we roll into 2019, we’d like to share the posts that resonated the most with our readers in the last year.

1. How a Leading Software Provider Optimized its eCommerce Funnel

A leading software provider needed to understand and improve its eCommerce purchasing path in multiple international markets. Learn how they worked with Appen to design and conduct a usability study in key markets, in multiple languages.

2. How a Leading eCommerce Retailer Accelerated Feature Testing and Improves eCommerce Site Search Solutions

A global eCommerce retailer wanted to improves its eCommerce site search solutions and needed support for one-time evaluation projects. These projects would often come without warning, leaving the company without time to plan and taking away from their ongoing site search evaluation work.

3. Breaking New Ground in Customer Experiences: FlamingoAI & Appen

FlamingoAI specializes in “conversational commerce” technology for enterprises. The company’s artificial intelligence-based virtual assistant platforms help financial services and insurance companies automate and improve online customer experiences. Learn how the company uses Appen and Amazon Web Services to power its virtual assistant and chatbot platforms.

4. Recent Developments in Neural Networks

An artificial neural network is a computer simulation that attempts to model the processes of the human brain in order to imitate the way in which it learns. Such systems essentially teach themselves by considering examples, generally without task-specific programming by humans, and then use a corrective feedback loop to improve their performance. This process, known as deep learning, is a type of machine learning that uses data representations, rather than task-specific algorithms, as in traditional software. Read on to learn about developments in 2018.

5. Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace: Appen Hires Over 50 Persons With Disabilities (PWDs)

For over 20 years, Appen has provided freelancers with flexible work opportunities all around the world. This global community of talent provides high-quality data that improves services in technology, automotive, government, retail, healthcare, and finance. As part of our mission to promote diversity, respect, and communication in the workforce, Appen has an ongoing initiative to provide work opportunities for persons with disabilities, which has grown include a community of over 100 PWDs in 2019.Never miss a post! To learn how industry-leading companies are applying AI and machine learning, read case studies on data collection and annotation, and stay up-to-date on company news, subscribe to Appen’s monthly email newsletter.Contact us to learn more about human-annotated data solutions for machine learning and artificial intelligence.

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