On-demand webinar: navigating the challenges to AI success

Making AI Work in the Real World

March 26, 2019
On-Demand Webinar
On-Demand Webinar
March 26, 2019
30 minutes
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On-demand webinar


If you’ve read your fair share of tech press, you’ve certainly been exposed to breathless forecasts about the promise and power of artificial intelligence. The thing is, a lot of those articles are light on detail or focus too heavily on algorithms and not on business value.

In this webinar, Alyssa Simpson Rochwerger takes an industry-by-industry perspective on true AI adoption.

We will cover:

  • An approach to AI that realizes business value
  • Real-world examples of businesses using AI to improve their bottom line
  • Real-world use cases in e-commerce, enterprise software, robotics & IoT, AgTech, and more

We will separate the hype from the reality, the theoretical from the practical, and the research labs from ROI.


Alyssa Simpson Rochwerger
VP of AI & Data