On-demand webinar: navigating the challenges to AI success

Unlock the power of enterprise data with your LLM

Foundation models are incredibly powerful building blocks for your enterprise LLM, but they are just that, a foundation. Your business is unique.  It’s your people teaching your model about your business that will set you apart.  Appen’s AI Data platform helps to accelerate your proprietary knowledge into your AI.

High Quality Data

A clear path from idea to production

The value of GenerativeAI is seen when AI teams are able to move quickly from plan to production. To make LLMs enterprise-ready, companies must focus on two key customization areas. These are context optimization, which fine-tunes the model's responses to its unique operational environment, and LLM optimization, which enhances its core capabilities.  

Appen solves enterprise LLM customization hurdle

Enterprises can improve LLM performance for their unique use case(s) by leveraging their own proprietary data and internal human expertise - setting them apart in the market. 

Choose your model

Appen loves all models and partners with the leading foundation model builders. We not only bring your model to life, but we are helping model builders like Cohere, Anthropic and others build theirs.

Prepare your data 

Prepare, enhance, and integrate your existing internal data or access new datasets to optimize model performance against your use case, including all the data you’ve built into your Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).  

Build prompts

Leverage your internal experts, or ours, to create prompts aligned to your use case in order to validate your model and potentially create "golden data."

Optimize your model

Evaluate model responses for helpfulness, relevance, accuracy, and coherence.  A/B test or benchmark models against one another to ensure you have the right model for the right task, improve your prompt and responses including real-time interactions to facilitate continuous improvement. Inspect all points along your RAG to ensure high-quality and relevant data across your entire system.

Make your model safe

Ensure your model is ready to deploy through testing to proactively identify risks, prevent hallucinations, and remove bias.  Maintain a robust Red Teaming approach with on-going assessment of toxicity, brand safety, and harm.

One unified platform for your entire LLM journey

Appen's unified platform guides enterprises through the entire LLM journey, from initial customization to real-world deployment. Appen offers a fresh, standardized way to incorporate proprietary data and collaborate with internal Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to refine LLMs performance for enterprise-specific use cases – all within a single UI.

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Contact an AI specialist to learn more

Customizing LLMs for enterprise-specific use cases is necessary to stay competitive. Whether you're using context or LLM optimization, leveraging proprietary data and human expertise enables companies to enhance performance, differentiate in the market, and achieve unparalleled growth. 

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